FEI Nova NanoSEM 450
Overview: This field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) has an ultra-stable, high current Schottky gun. Advanced electron optical and detection features include immersion mode, beam deceleration mode, and a variety of secondary and backscatter electron detectors (listed below) for best selection of the information and image optimization. Low vacuum mode optimizes imaging of non-conducting and uncoated specimen. Resolution limits are 1.4 nm @ 1 kV in high vacuum mode; 1.8 nm @ 3 kV in low vacuum mode 30 Pa. This instrument also includes EDS and cryoSEM capabilities.
For high vacuum mode:
- Everhart-Thornley Detector (ETD)
- Through the Lens Detector (TLD)
- Circular Backscatter Detector (CBS)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Detector (STEM)
For low vacuum mode:
- Low Vacuum Detector (LVD)
- Helix Detector
- Gaseous Analytical Detector (GAD)
Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Microanalysis Equipment
Oxford AZtecEnergy Microanalysis System with X-Max 80 Silicon Drift Detector
Leica VCT and MED020 for fracturing, etching, coating and examination of SEM samples at low temperature
Acknowledging BEML facility and funding agencies